Berger Picard puppy application.

Thank you for the interest in our Picards. We appreciate you taking the time to answer the following questions so that the right
decision can be made for you and your future puppy. All information is confidential and used only by us at Double D Ranch.
Your Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Email: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: _________________________________________________________________________________
How were you referred to us? _______________________________________________________________________
Are you interested in a ( ) male ( ) female ( ) no preference
Why are you interested in obtaining one of our Picards? ( ) Companion ( ) Show ( ) Breeding ( ) Performance ( ) Protection
Additional information:
What qualities do you like about the Breed? ____________________________________________________________
Animals presently at home: _______________________________________________________________________
Previously owned Animals: ________________________________________________________________________
Are you committed to caring for this dog for it's lifetime? _________________________________________________
Have you ever had to euthanize a animal? If so why? _____________________________________________________
Are you willing to spay or neuter this dog? If no why? ___________________________________________________
If interested in breeding this dog will you do all the contractual health testing ? ________________________________
Family Data:
Are you: ( ) Married ( ) Single Your Ages: _____________ Children: _______ Ages: ___________________
Others in the household who will have contact with the dog: ____________________________________________
Where will the dog stay during the day? ___________________________________________________________
Where will the dog stay during the night? __________________________________________________________
Any further information you wish for us to consider in placing one of our Picards with you. We would appreciate some insight into the expectations you have for this new family member. ____________________________________________________
Please list current veterinarian, with contact info. ______________________________________________________
Please list three references: _______________________________________________________________________
Do you have a fenced yard? ____________________ Are you in a ( ) Suburb ( ) City ( ) Rural/farmland
Email to: [email protected]
Snail Mail: Deanna Donohue
17530 CR 450A
Umatilla, FL 32784
decision can be made for you and your future puppy. All information is confidential and used only by us at Double D Ranch.
Your Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Email: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: _________________________________________________________________________________
How were you referred to us? _______________________________________________________________________
Are you interested in a ( ) male ( ) female ( ) no preference
Why are you interested in obtaining one of our Picards? ( ) Companion ( ) Show ( ) Breeding ( ) Performance ( ) Protection
Additional information:
What qualities do you like about the Breed? ____________________________________________________________
Animals presently at home: _______________________________________________________________________
Previously owned Animals: ________________________________________________________________________
Are you committed to caring for this dog for it's lifetime? _________________________________________________
Have you ever had to euthanize a animal? If so why? _____________________________________________________
Are you willing to spay or neuter this dog? If no why? ___________________________________________________
If interested in breeding this dog will you do all the contractual health testing ? ________________________________
Family Data:
Are you: ( ) Married ( ) Single Your Ages: _____________ Children: _______ Ages: ___________________
Others in the household who will have contact with the dog: ____________________________________________
Where will the dog stay during the day? ___________________________________________________________
Where will the dog stay during the night? __________________________________________________________
Any further information you wish for us to consider in placing one of our Picards with you. We would appreciate some insight into the expectations you have for this new family member. ____________________________________________________
Please list current veterinarian, with contact info. ______________________________________________________
Please list three references: _______________________________________________________________________
Do you have a fenced yard? ____________________ Are you in a ( ) Suburb ( ) City ( ) Rural/farmland
Email to: [email protected]
Snail Mail: Deanna Donohue
17530 CR 450A
Umatilla, FL 32784